Saturday, May 23, 2009

I finally made a plan. I bought train tickets to St Austell, England. I am going to meet some family members for the first time. I am so excited I can hardly stand it.I come from a big family, but the problem is, I haven't met too many of them as we are spread all over the place. I really look forward to having a chance to talk with them and maybe we even look alike, that would be crazy! So, I will be heading out on June first, just 5 short days before my birthday, no plans for that. I am going to be 25. ugh. Just keep the razors away from me and I should be ok.

I am working at the hostel in Scotland and today is a day off and I am spending it in all of it's glory dicking around doing nothing. I plan on seeing the new x-men movie, which is all about hugh jackman on the big screen, i mean wolverine, i care about the story line, its not just about a giant hugh jackman stare-a-thon. That reminds me of brad pitt, too bad he doesn't have a movie out.

Anyway, there is lots of stuff going on at home that I wish i could be a part of, but alas, it is not so. I wish good luck to all who are endeavoring in new things and hope everything is as good as it could/should be. If its any consolation europe is really expensive and I will soon be in the poor house. I think in two weeks i have spent what took me 3 months in south america. The smaller my bank account gets the more and more getting a real job sounds like a smart plan. If anyone hears about a rad job anywhere let me know. I am not attached to any particular place. Somewhere warm would be nice. It's much colder here and I get burned from the wind. My nose always runs when I go outside and I miss summer! It gets light her at like 4 in the morning, I didn't realize I was going to be that far north. Well i really better get to this slack off day. Peace to all!

1 comment:

Charlene said...

sounds like your having fun. I bet there are a lot of your Scotland relatives that look like you. That is weird about the sun, just never gave it a second thought. "Happy early birthday again". It is really hard to get a job now with so many people out of work. You were real lucky to get one at the hostel. Love you, Grandma