Monday, November 3, 2008


Tomorrow is election day.I hope you voted. No complaining if you didn´t vote. That´s the rule and writing in Ron Paul doesnt count, Andrew. This little freak ass town i am in sucks. The people here are sneaky and it~s like a weekend get away place all the locals are kids or old people. On saturday and sunday you can barely walk the street, i feel like high school cattle again. I went shopping yesterday. Same shit they have everywhere else.Except one store sells religious figures that are covered in velvet. Bright orange velvet jesus and my favorite dark purple Buddah. I forgot to bring my travel sized Buddah,I was gonna put him in my pictures. :(

I got a pedicure for less than $5! The full foot scraping, cuticle maiming, nail paiting sha-bang. They did things that I am sure are illegal inthe united states. It was all preformed by a kid, too,well maybe a teenager. She was on the computer playing video games when we walked in. I was a bit nervous. She didnt speak english, i don~t speak portugues, and my stepmom left me there alone. She made me bleed twice(i´m both delicate and sensitive) but damn it my toes feel great! Best pedicure EVER! She did something with this tool that had this dull sliver of metal sticking off the end that i think i will miss forever. This "instrument" came out of this big pile of shit that looked like it had never been cleaned. I´m glad i got my tetnas shot. Now that i´m here I feel like i should have gotten more shots and better travel insurance. People dont seem to appreciate an american level of cleanliness. I know we go too far sometimes, but frankly i miss having hand sanitizer all over. The little food stand that my dad loves...numerous violations I can see from just sitting and starring at shit cause everyone else is talking and I have no idea what they are saying. My dad and sonia are no better. They play with their birds and then go make somethingto eat without washing their hands. Gross. And people here go to church to pray to feel better, I wanna hit em and say wash your fucking hands once in a while! And they leave food out all the time. No one washes their hands in the public bathrooms. The Atlantic Shopping(thats the name of the malls((shopping=mall apparently)))has the best public bathroom. The walls of the stall are granite with marble floors, they are always clean and have toilet paper.The door of the stall goes almost to the floor and next to the toilet is a big trash bin with no lid and it is full of shit covered toilet paper. Ah brazil.

Sorry for switching tenses all the time and run on sentences. Have a good day. VOTE!


Debbie said...

Hi Ricki,
It sounds as if things are clearing up for you. I am glad you are getting to experience some things. Hang in there.

Shrinker said...

Can't handle the open toilet paper basket thing. No smells - makes me want to womit just thinking about it.

Say - do they all have the warm fuzzies for us up here in n. america now that we've elected Obama (!) ?